Find Train Tickets in Italy

How can I find out what the train schedules are in Italy?

Thanks to our partnership with Trenitalia, ItaliaRail has direct, real-time connectivity to Trenitalia's schedule and reservation system, allowing us to give you the best fares and most up-to-date availability. Many of our most popular routes have trains leaving every half hour, but some destinations have less frequent service. Use our search tool to browse train schedules and find the trains that suit your itinerary best.

The main hall of every train station in Italy contains a departure and arrival board. In addition to the track numbers, these boards also display each train's final destination along with the stops made en route.

In each train station, pocket timetables are available free of charge. These "mini-timetables" typically list departures and arrivals between two specific points or regions. Look for them near the rail information centers.

An additional source for detailed schedules is the Rail Information Center itself. Utilizing computerized reservation systems means staff can make short work of finding a schedule or routing you to your city of choice. Best of all, the service is free.

Thanks to the internet, printed rail schedules are no longer common.

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