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Rail Passes Best Price Guarantee

Best Price Guarantee* will guarantee a low price for a rail pass. If you find a qualifying lower rate for a rail pass booked with within 24 hours of booking, we'll refund you the difference between what you paid and the lower published price. 
*Guarantee not valid on point-to-point train tickets, France passes, Swiss passes, Rail & Drive passes and Eurostar tickets.

How to redeem your Best Price Guarantee:
 After purchasing a pass on, you find the exact pass at a lower price on another web site within 24 hours, take a screen shot of their shopping cart with an equivalent order placed in it. 
Send us an e-mail to with a title: Best Price Guarantee Claim within 24 hours of placing your order. In the e-mail, please include the following:

  • Your full name and order confirmation number from
  • A screen shot including the date/time (do this by double clicking the time on the bottom navigation bar). The screen shot needs to be taken within 24 hours of placing an order on
  • The total price of the equivalent product: cost, tax and shipping

Or mail a written letter including a printout of the screen shots to:
  Best Price Guarantee

  P.O. Box 590297
  Newton, MA 02459